第 35 卷第 5 期Vol. 35 No. 5
2005 年 10 月Oct 2005


张正华; 徐伟箭; 刘含茂(湖南大学化学化工学院; 湖南长沙)
摘 要:采用表面模板组装途径合成了MCM-41介孔材料,研究了这类载体上键合钛酸 摘要:随着激光技术在军事、民用领域的广泛应用,激光防护技术越来越受到人们的重视。本文介 绍了激光对人眼的危害性,对目前的激光防护技术进行了总结比较,着重论述了基于反饱和吸收 (RSA)非线性光限幅原理、主要材料及其性能。
关键词:反饱和吸收; 光限幅; 激光防护; 非线性材料
中图分类号:TJ95  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2005)05-0051-04
Reverse Saturation Absorption Optical Limiting Effect and Laser Protection
ZHANG Zheng-hua; XU Wei-jian; LIU Han-mao College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Hunan University; Changsha 410082; China
Abstract:With the applications of laser in military and civil fields, the technologies of laser protection are emphasized. In this paper, the hurt of laser to eyes is introduced and with the comparision of several laser protection technologies, the theories, main materials and properties of nonlinear optical limiting based on reverse saturation absorption are discussed.
Key words:Reverse saturation absorption; optical limiting; laser protection; nonlinear materials