第 35 卷第 5 期Vol. 35 No. 5
2005 年 10 月Oct 2005


姚培; 伍钦; 刘玲玲(华南理工大学化工学院; 广东广州)
摘 要:以丁二酸酐和二乙醇胺为起始原料经加成反应合成新型AB2型单体,在溶液中采用“准 一步法”自缩聚反应合成超支化聚(酰胺-酯),使用傅里叶变换红外光谱、乌式粘度计、差热-热重联 用分析仪等测试分析超支化酰胺类聚合物的结构、粘度及热性能,红外光谱图分析进一步证实了聚合 物的超支化结构。实验表明封端剂对超支化聚合物的粘度有较大影响,封端产品粘度在0.019- 0.057 dL/g范围之间,而未封端产品粘度为0.146 dL/g。热分析中,超支化聚(酰胺-酯)的Td(热分 解温度)为316.3℃,Tg(玻璃态转化温度)为270℃;结果表明,超支化聚(酰胺-酯)具有较低的比浓 对数粘度、良好的溶解性和热稳定性等特点。
关键词:超支化聚(酰胺-酯); 丁二酸酐; 二乙醇胺; 准一步法; 合成
中图分类号:TQ323  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2005)05-00-0
Synthesis and Properties of the Hyperbranched Poly (amide-ester)
YAO Pei; WU Qin; LIU Ling-ling South China University of Technology; Guangzhou 510641; China
Abstract:A sort of AB2 intermediate was synthesized by using diethanolanmine and butanedioic anhydride as initial materials, and a quasi-one-step method was used to synthesize hyperbranched poly (amide-ester). Fourier transform infrared spectrometer. Wushi viscisity meter and DSC-TGA analyzer were used to synthesize the structure, viscosity and thermol stability of hyperbranched poly (amide-ester). The hyperbranched structure of polymer was validated by the IR spectra. End-capped reagent had a great effect on viscos...
Key words:hyperbranched poly (amide-ester); butanedioic anhydride; diethanolanmine; quasi-one step method; synthesis