第 35 卷第 5 期Vol. 35 No. 5
2005 年 10 月Oct 2005


李斌; 陈京治(广州市公路局; 合成橡胶事业部橡塑中心; 广东广州; 湖南岳阳)
摘 要:通过对SBS牌号、沥青牌号、SBS加入量、改性沥青加工工艺等方面对SBS改性沥 青延度影响的试验研究,分析了影响SBS改性沥青延度的主要因素,提出了提高改性沥青低温延 度的方法。
关键词:SBS; 改性沥青; 低温延度
中图分类号:TQ325  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2005)05-0045-03
Investigations on Factors Effecting the Ductility of Bitumen
LI Bin; CHEN Jing-zhi Guangzhou Municipal Road Bureau; Guangzhou 510500; Rubber &Plastic Center; Synthetic Rubbe Department; Baling Petrochemical Co.; Ltd; Yueyang 414014; China
Abstract:The major factors which effect the ductility of the modified bitumen were analyzed by studies on SBS varieties, bitumen varieties, the addition amount of SBS and the processing technology of the modified bitumen were researched. The method of improving the low-temperature ductility of bitumen was put forward.
Key words:SBS; modified bitumen; low-temperature ductility