第 35 卷第 6 期Vol. 35 No. 6
2005 年 12 月Dec 2005


戴健; 段湘生; 聂萍(湖南化工研究院; 湖南长沙)
摘 要:以对氯苯甲腈,对甲酚为起始原料,经醚化、还原两步合成4-(4-甲基苯氧基)苄胺。详细考察了缚酸剂、催化剂及氨水的影响,得到了产品合成优惠条件:n{4-(4-甲基苯氧基)苯甲腈}n∶(催化剂)n∶(氨水)=10∶.78~0.91.∶1,反应温度20~35℃,反应至原料消失。总收率(以对氯苯甲腈计)72%,产品含量96.5%。
关键词:4-(4-甲基苯氧基)苄胺; 对氯苯甲腈; 对甲酚
中图分类号:TQ246  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2005)06-0035-02
Synthesis of the 4-(4-methylphenoxy)benzylamine
DAI Jian; DUAN Xiang-sheng; NIE Ping(Hunan Research Institute of Chemical Industry; Changsha 410007; China)
Abstract:Four new glucosyl esters of all-trans-aritinoic acid were synthesized by the reaction of all-trans-aritinoic acid with O-acetylglucopyranosyl bromide or O-acetylgalactopyranosyl bromide,O-acetylgalactopyranosyl bromide,O-acetylgalactopyranosyl bromide in the presence of sodium carbonate and Bu4NBr.Their structures were confirmed by IR、1H NMR and MS.
Key words:all-trans-aritinoic acid; glycosyl esters; synthesis; characterization