第 36 卷第 1 期Vol. 36 No. 1
2006 年 2 月Feb 2006


孙小军; 赵卫光; 董卫莉; 李正名(南开大学元素有机化学国家重点实验室元素有机化学研究所; 淮阴师范学院化学系; 江苏淮安)
摘 要:因为在有机合成中有些反应通过常规的合成法难以达到预期的目的或比较烦琐,因此重排反应是一个行之有效的方法。重排反应具有很高的反应效率,而且具有很高的立体选择性。本文主要阐述了重排反应在医药、农药、天然产物、染料等合成中的应用。
关键词:重排; 有机合成; 应用
中图分类号:Q621.25+9.3  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2006)01-007-04
Application of Rearrangement Reaction in Organic Synthesis
SUN Xiao-jun;ZHAO Wei-guang;DONG Wei-li;LI Zheng-ming(National Key Laboratory of Elemento-Organic Chemistry;Institute of Elemento-Organic Chemistry;Nankai University;Tianjin;Department of Chemistry;Huaiyin Teachers College;Jiangsu Huaian;223001)
Abstract:It was very difficult for some reactions in the organic synthesis to carry through via the conventional methods,and more than that,they were very complicated.In those cases,the rearrangement reaction was a feasible method.Rearrangement processes were very effective for organic synthesis because of their high efficiency and high stereo-selectivity.Applications of rearrangement reactions in the pharmaceutics,pesticides,natural products and dyes were reviewed In this paper.
Key words:rearrangement; organic synthesis; application