第 36 卷第 1 期Vol. 36 No. 1
2006 年 2 月Feb 2006


欧晓明(湖南化工研究院农药剂型及应用系统研究所; 国家南方农药创制中心湖南基地长沙)
摘 要:磺酰脲类化合物因用量低、对哺乳动物低毒及使用后易降解为无毒化合物等特点而已发展成为世界上最大的一类除草剂。在环境介质如土壤、水和动植物组织等研究分析时要求磺酰脲类除草剂残留分析的检测限达到10-9mg/kg,甚至更低。这是一个极富挑战性的工作。近些年来,国内外农药环境毒理、环境科学和生物学等领域的科研人员对环境中的磺酰脲类除草剂进行了大量的研究,提出了许多磺酰脲类除草剂残留分析方法,归结起来可分为三大类即化学分析法、生物测定法和酶联免疫测定法。笔者对磺酰脲类除草剂在环境介质中的残留性质、提取、净化、分析原理和方法等方面进行了评述,讨论了LC/MS/MS在磺酰脲类除草剂残留研究中的应用。
关键词:磺酰脲类除草剂; 残留检测与分析; 提取与净化; 环境介质; LC/MS/MS
中图分类号:TQ457.2  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2006)01-0001-07
Current Developments on Residue Detection and Analysis of Sulfonylurea Herbicides in Environmental Matrices
OU Xiao-ming(Institute of Pesticide Formulations & Application Systems; Hunan Research Institute of Chemical Industry; Hunan Branch of the National Pesticide R & R South Center; Changsha 410007; China)
Abstract:The sulfonylurea compounds have developed into a largest herbicide in the global pesticide niche due to the fact that they have the characteristics of low dosage,low mammalian toxicity and easy degradation to the innocuous compounds after application.It is a great challenge to detect and analyze 1ppb or lower residue level of sulfonylurea herbicides in the environmental matrices such as soils,water,and animal and plant tissues.In the past years,residue analysis methods have been developed through the studie...
Key words:sulfonylurea herbicide; residue detection and analysis; extraction and cleanup; environmental matrices; LC/MS/MS