第 36 卷第 3 期Vol. 36 No. 3
2006 年 6 月Jun 2006


卫艳新; 侯曼玲(安徽教育学院化学系; 中南大学化学化工学院; 安徽合肥; 湖南长沙)
摘 要:利用钛白副产物FeSO4.7H2O、Na2HPO4研制出一种新型复合絮凝剂聚磷硫酸铁(PPFS),研究了该絮凝剂对高岭土模拟水样的絮凝性能及pH值对絮凝效果的影响,并与聚合硫酸铁(PFS)及聚合氯化铝(PAC)比较。结果表明:PPFS的絮凝效果和絮体沉降性能均比PFS、PAC好,且在pH为6 ̄10时絮凝效果最佳。此外,将PPFS用于处理城市生活污水,PPFS除浊的优化用量为4.8 mg/L,而PFS﹑PAC优化用量为6.4 mg/L;CODCr的去除率可分别高达91.4%﹑88.4%﹑86.5%;在pH值为7 ̄9的条件下,PPFS对城市生活污水的浊度和CODCr的去除具有良好效果。
关键词:聚磷硫酸铁; 絮凝性能; 城市生活污水
中图分类号:X703.5  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2006)03-0031-03
Preparation and Application for Phosphoric Polyferric Sulfate Flocculant
WEI Yan-xin1; HOU Man-ling2(1.Department of Chemistry; Anhui Institute of Education; Hefei 230061; China; 2.College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Central South University; Changsha 410083; China)
Abstract:A new type of complex flocculant-PPFS is prepared using FeSO4·7H2O and Na2HPO4.The flocculent properties of PPFS on experimental water sample of kaolin and pH value were studied and compared with PFS and PAC.The results showed that PPFS had better flocculating efficiency than PFS and PAC,the performance of floccule was the optimal at pH of 6~10.Furthermore,when PPFS could be used to treat municipal wastewater,the optimal dosage of PPFS was 4.8 mg/L,and PFS and PAC were 6.4 mg/L,the removal rates of CODCr we...
Key words:phosphoric polyferric sulfate; flocculent property; municipal wastewater