第 36 卷第 4 期Vol. 36 No. 4
2006 年 8 月Aug 2006


陈力华; 任风莲; 陈九星; 梁骥; 聂思桥; 李涛(中南大学化学化工学院;湖南化工研究院农药剂型及应用系统研究所; 湖南长沙410083湖南化工研究院农药剂型及应用系统研究所; 湖南长沙410007国家农药创制工程技术研究中心; 湖南长沙)()
摘 要:建立了一种小麦和土壤中甲硫嘧磺隆残留的检测方法,采用层析柱和SPE小柱对样品进行净化、萃取,采用C18柱,以乙腈-0.5%冰乙酸混合溶剂为流动相,于236nm检测。在选定条件下该方法的最小检出量为0.35ng,籽粒和土壤中甲硫嘧磺隆的最低检测浓度为0.018mg/kg,植株中甲硫嘧磺隆的最低检测浓度为0.050mg/kg,甲硫嘧磺隆的质量浓度在0.1~5.0mg/L之间线性关系良好。在土壤和籽粒中以0.02、0.2、2.0mg/kg进行空白样品添加试验,平均回收率为92.14%~96.41%,变异系数为3.15%~9.45%之间,在小麦植株中以0.05、0.5、2.0mg/kg进行空白样品添加试验,平均回收率为86.93%~94.80%,变异系数为6.28%~8.30%之间。该方法的灵敏度、准确度、精密度均符合农药残留技术测定要求。
关键词:甲硫嘧磺隆; 小麦; 土壤; 残留分析
中图分类号:TQ245.2+4  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2006)04-0060-04
Residue Analysis Method of HNPC-C9908 in Wheat and Soil
CHEN Li-hua;REN Fen-lian;CHEN Jiu-xin;LIANG Ji;NIE Si-qiao;LI Tao;(School of Chemistry and Engineering;Central South University;Department of Pesticide Formulations and Application Systems;Hunan Research Institute of Chemical Industry..)
Abstract:A method was developed for determination of HNPC-C9908 residues in wheat and soil by HPLC. The herbicide HNPC-C9908 residues in wheat and soil was extracted with acetone/water(8/2) followed by clean-up with aluminum oxide column or SPE column and determined by HPLC equipped with a C18 column,a mixture of acetylnitrile plus acetic acid(0.5%)as mobile phase, with detection of UV wavelength at 236 nm. Limit of quantitation(LOQ)was 0.35 ng,while minimal detection concentration(MDC)in seed and soil was 0.018 mg/...
Key words:HNPC-C9908; wheat; soil; residue analysis