第 36 卷第 4 期Vol. 36 No. 4
2006 年 8 月Aug 2006


朱建明(厦门迈克制药有限公司; 福建厦门)
摘 要:采用FT-IR、MS、NMR等波谱技术对齐多夫定(AZT)脱保护副产物进行结构鉴定,确定了其结构为三苯甲基甲醚,并开发了其商业应用技术。在HCl作用下完成醚键断裂,把三苯甲基甲醚转化为三苯基氯甲烷,收率95.8%,该产物可再次应用到合成AZT的合成过程中,降低其生产成本。
关键词:三苯基氯甲烷; 三苯甲基甲醚; 副产物; 结构
中图分类号:R914.5  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2006)04-0026-02
The Structural Identification of the Byproduct from Zidovudine and it's Application
ZHU Jian-ming (Xiamen Mchem Laboratories LTD.; Xiamen 361022; China)
Abstract:A large number of byproduct was received in deprotection step of synthesis Zidovudine,the work for it's structural identification had been completed. The trityl methyl ether can react with hydrogen chloride and get the commercial chemical material trityl chloride with high yield.
Key words:trityl chloride; trityl methyl ether; outgrowth; structural identification