第 36 卷第 5 期Vol. 36 No. 5
2006 年 10 月Oct 2006


程光剑; 史君; 张元礼; 黄集钺; 石明彦; 李民(辽阳石化分公司研究院; 辽宁辽阳)
摘 要:采用己二酸二甲酯加氢制备1,6-己二醇的工艺,通过试验考察了各种工艺参数对反应的影响,确定了合适的反应条件:反应温度210 ̄230℃,反应压力4.0 ̄8.0 MPa,氢气和己二酸二甲酯的摩尔比值为150 ̄300,己二酸二甲酯的空速为0.5h-1以下。在此条件下,己二酸二甲酯的转化率≥99%,1,6-己二醇选择性≥95%。
关键词:对甲苯磺酸; 二甲基丙烯酸丁二醇酯; 活性炭
中图分类号:TQ223.16+2  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2006)05-0067-03
Hydrogenated Preparation of 1,6-Hexanediol by Dimethylene Adipate
CHENG Guang-jian; SHI Jun; ZHUANG Yuan-li; HUANG Ji-yue; SHI Ming-yan; Li Min(Institute of Liaoyang Petrochemical Company; Liaoyang 111003; China)
Abstract:Preparation of 1,6-Hexanediol was carried out by hydrogenation of dimethylene adipate,and effect of process parameters on the hydrogenation reactions was investigated.The condition for the hydrogenation was mild,the pressure less than 8.0 MPa,the temperature below 250℃,the mole ratio of hydrogen and dimethylene adipate is 150~300,and the dimethylene adipate space velocity below 0.5 h-1.Under these conditions,dimethylene adipate was hydrogenated into 1,6-hexanediol.The conversion of dimethylene adipate was o...
Key words:hydrogenation; hexanediol; dimethylene adipate