第 36 卷第 5 期Vol. 36 No. 5
2006 年 10 月Oct 2006


熊鹰; 刘平乐; 夏俊; 罗和安(湘潭大学化工学院; 湖南湘潭)
摘 要:针对国内四溴苯酐生产现状,在对溴化反应过程机理分析的基础上,对反应过程进行优化,得到了较优的反应条件及操作过程:以I2、AlCl3作为反应的复合催化剂,用量为苯酐的2%,采用分段控温缓慢加溴的操作方式,最高反应温度140℃,反应时间5 ̄6h,四溴苯酐的收率为96%,熔点276.3 ̄277.2℃,硫酸含量0.13%。
关键词:苯酐; 溴; 发烟硫酸; 复合催化剂; 四溴苯酐
中图分类号:TQ314.24+8  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2006)05-0057-03
Parameter Optimization for Tetrabromophthalic Anhydride Production
XIONG Ying; LIU Ping-le; XIA Jun; LUO He-an (College of Chemical Engineering; Xiangtan University; Xiangtan 411105; China)
Abstract:In allusion to domestic production status of tetrabromophthalic anhydride(TBPA),parameter optimization was carried out based on the analysis of the mechanism of bromization,and optimum reaction condition and operation process was obtained.The yield of TBPA can be reached to 96% by using I2 and AlCl3 as composite catalyst in a mass ratio of 2% to phthalic anhydride.The temperature was controlled in section and the bromine was added slowly,and the reaction would be finished in 5~6 hours at the highest tempera...
Key words:phthalic anhydride; bromine; oleum method; composite catalyst; Tetrabromophthalic Anhydride