第 37 卷第 3 期Vol. 37 No. 3
2007 年 6 月Jun 2007


吴生辉,李 谊,杨 芬,王玉玲,宋宏锐 (沈阳药科大学 制药工程学院,辽宁 沈阳 110016)
摘 要:用顺丁烯二酸酐(MAH)对β-环糊精(β-CD)进行化学改性,合成出了一种新型功能性单体MAH-β-CD。以N,N'-亚甲基双丙烯酰胺(BIS)为交联剂,过硫酸铵(APS)为引发剂,通过氧化还原自由基引发单体MAH-β-CD、N-异丙基丙烯酰胺(NIPA)及阴离子单体丙烯酸钠(SA)共聚,合成出一种新型水凝胶。用核磁共振、红外光谱对水凝胶进行了表征。溶胀研究结果表明,该水凝胶具有较好的pH及温度敏感性。
中图分类号:O63  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2007)03- 0054 -04
Synthesis and Properties of pH-and Temperature-sensitive Hydrogel
WU Sheng-hui,LI Yi,YANG Fen,WANG Yu-ling,SONG Hong-rui (School of Pharmaceutical Engineering,Shenyang Pharmaceutical University,Shenyang 110016,China)
Abstract:A novel functional monomer (MAH-β-CD) containing vinyl and carboxyl groups was synthesized by reaction of β-cyclodextrin(β-CD) with maleic anhydride(MAH). A new hydrogel was prepared through copolymerization of MAH-β-CD with N-isopropylacrylamide(NIPA)and sodium acrylate(SA) using ammonium persulfate(APS)as the initiator and N,N'-methylene-bisacrylamide(Bis)as the crosslinker in aqueous solution. The MAH-β-CD monomer and the gels obtained were characterized using IR spectra and 13C NMR,Results from a study on equilibrium swelling ratios (ESR) indicated that the hydrogels had good sensitivity to pH values and temperature.
Key words:β-Cyclodextrin;N-Isopropylacrylamide;crosslinker;hydrogel;pH-sensitivity;temperature-sensitivity
作者简介:吴生辉(1980-),男,湖北蕲春人,硕士。研究方向:药用辅料。(E-mail jacksoncoco@yahoo.com.cn)
联 系 人:宋宏锐(1956-),男,辽宁恒仁人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事药物化学与有机化学的研究。(E-mail hongruisong@163.com)