第 37 卷第 1 期Vol. 37 No. 1
2007 年 2 月Feb 2007


陈 田,杨运泉,刘文英,陈 健 (湘潭大学 化工学院,湖南 湘潭 411105)
摘 要:辅酶Q10是一种具有重要生理和药理作用的生命活性物质,用途十分广泛。特别是近年来随着对其生理和药理作用认识的不断深入,辅酶Q10已经成为了一种重要的药品和保健品。笔者根据半个世纪以来有关辅酶Q10化学合成的各种文献报道,对辅酶Q10现有的各种化学合成路线及其工艺优劣进行了介绍和比较,重点介绍了从烟草中提取天然茄尼醇为原料的半化学合成辅酶Q10方法,并阐明了化学合成辅酶Q10的关键因素和发展方向。
中图分类号:Q552  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2007)01- 0009 - 06
Review on Chemosynthesis Methods and Techniques of Coenzyme Q10
CHEN Tian,YANG Yun-quan,LIU Wen-ying,CHEN Jian (College of Chemical Engineering,Xiangtan University,Xiangtan 411105,China)
Abstract:Coenzyme Q10 is a vital human nutrient substance with extensive uses. It has very important physiological and pharmacological activities. Especially with a deeper knowledge of its physiological and pharmacological activities,coenzyme Q10 has became an important kind of pharmaceutical and health-care product. In this paper, various synthetic methods of coenzyme Q10 appeared in about half a century were reviewed with emphasis on the semi-chemosynthetic methods using natural solanesol extracted from tobacco as starting material. The key factors and development direction of coenzyme Q10 chemosynthesis were illustrated in this paper as well.
Key words:coenzyme Q10;synthesis;solanesol;progress
作者简介:陈 田(1983-),男,湖南安化人,硕士,研究方向:药物合成与绿色化学工艺。 (E-mail:chentian_0820@163.com)
联 系 人:杨运泉(1963-),教授,博士生导师。研究方向:精细化工、催化反应工程与工艺开发。(E-mail:yangyunquan298@sohu.com)