第 31 卷第 4 期Vol. 31 No. 4
2001 年 8 月Aug 2001


郑志明; 李立新; 林虎; 徐志发; 王志军(浙江永农化工研究所)
摘 要:介绍了以硫磷酸为原料 ,与溴丙烷、二甲胺反应合成丙线磷的新工艺。该工艺具有收率高、质量好、成本低的特点 ,又减少了对环境的污染。
关键词:丙线磷; 二甲胺; 溴丙烷
中图分类号:TQ453.2  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2001)04-0025-02
The New Technology for Preparation of Ethoprophos
ZHENG Zhi ming; LI Li xin; LIN Hu; XU Zhi fa; WANG Zhi jun (Zhejiang Yongnong Chemical Industry Insitute; Wenzhou 325024; China)
Abstract:A new technology for preparation of Ethoprophos from O,O Diethyl Dithiophosphoric acid, Propance Bromide and Dimethylamine was introduced. It has characteristics of high yield, good quality and low cost, and can reduce contamination to environment.
Key words:ethoprophos; dimethylamine; propance bromide