第 37 卷第 1 期Vol. 37 No. 1
2007 年 2 月Feb 2007


刘 徐,刘汉文,唐子龙,龙 芳 (湖南科技大学 化学化工学院,分子构效关系湖南省高校重点实验室,湖南 湘潭,411201)
摘 要:通过微波合成法,以对甲苯磺酸为催化剂,由环己酮与乙二醇合成环己酮乙二醇缩酮。考察了微波条件下各因素对反应的影响,得出优惠条件:n(环己酮) ∶ n(乙二醇)=1 ∶ 1.4,对甲苯磺酸为2.5 g/mol(以环己酮物质的量计),带水剂环己烷为80 mL/mol,辐射功率为90 W,辐射时间为13 min,产物收率达82.3%。
中图分类号:TQ655  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2007)01- 0043 - 03
Study on the Synthesis of Ethylene Glycol Cyclohexane Ketal by Microwave Irradiation
LIU Xu,LIU Han-wen,TANG Zi-long,LONG Fang (School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Hunan Provincial University Key Laboratory of QSAR/QSPR,Hunan University of Science and Technology,Xiangtan 411201,China)
Abstract:Ethylene glycol cyclohexane ketal was synthesized under microwave irradiation from cyclohexanone and ethylene glycol in the presence of p-toluene sulphonic acid. The factors that influenced the reaction under microwave heating were investigated,the yield of 82.3% was obtained on condition of ethylene glycol ∶ cyclohexanone = 1.4 ∶ 1(mol/mol),p-toluene sulphonic were investigated acid:2.5 g/mol(based on the amount of cyclohexanone),cyclohexane:80 ml/mol,irradiation power:90 W,13 min.
Key words:ethylene glycol cyclohexane ketal;p-toluene sulphonic acid;microwave synthesis
作者简介:刘 徐(1978-),男,山东烟台人,硕士研究生。研究方向:有机合成。(E-mailL:willow_78_qxlx@yahoo.com.cn)