第 37 卷第 1 期Vol. 37 No. 1
2007 年 2 月Feb 2007


刘玮玮,慕 卫,朱炳煜 ,魏 光,翟茹环,刘跃群 (山东农业大学 植保学院,山东 泰安 271018)
摘 要:采用高效液相色谱法,在同一色谱条件下对稻·噁乳油中所含有效成分稻瘟灵和噁霉灵同时进行含量测定。色谱条件为:使用Nova-PaK C18 250 mm×4.6 mm(i.d)不锈钢色谱柱,流动相v(甲醇) ∶ v(水)=70 ∶ 30,流速1 mL/min,检测波长为220 nm。测定方法中稻瘟灵和噁霉灵的回收率分别在98.8%~100.3%和98.6%~100.0%之间,变异系数分别为0.54%和0.52%,证明本方法快速、准确、可靠。
中图分类号:S482.2+99  文献标识码:B  文章编号:1009-9212(2007)01- 0067 - 02
Determination of Active Ingredients in Mixture Formulation Kiazine-oxamyl Emusifiable Concentrate by HPLC
LIU Wei-wei,MU Wei,ZHU Bing-yu,WEI Guang,ZHAI Ru-huan,LIU Yue-qun (College of Plant Protection,Shandong Agricultural University,Tai’an 271018,China)
Abstract:The content of kiazine and oxamyl in the formulation kiazine-oxamyl emusifiable concentrate was determined by HPLC in the same chromatogram conditions. The operating conditions by HPLC were C18 column(250 mm× 4.6 mm), v(methanol) ∶ v(water)=70 ∶ 30 as mobile phase,1 mL/min as flow speed and wavelength 220 nm. The recoveries of kiazine and oxamyl were 98.8%~100.3% and 98.6 %~100.0%,respectively,and their coefficients of variation were 0.54% and 0.52%,respectively,indicating that this method is fast,accurate and repeatable.
Key words:kiazine;oxamyl; high performance liquid chromatography
作者简介:刘玮玮(1982- ),女,山东威海人,硕士研究生,从事昆虫毒理学研究。(E-mail:lww302@sin.com)
联 系 人:慕 卫,女,山东泰安人,副教授,博士,主要从事农药毒理与应用技术研究。