第 37 卷第 6 期 |  | Vol. 37 No. 6 | 2007 年 12 月 | Dec 2007 |
3-乙氧基丙烯腈和3,3-二乙氧基丙腈混合物的分析 |
蔡 东1,邹 军2,姜 欣2,苏金燕2,季 浩2
( 1. 辽宁医学院 基础学院,辽宁 锦州 230031;2 . 沈阳化工研究院,辽宁 沈阳 110021) |
摘 要:异恶唑开环、烷基化得到产物为(Z)-3-乙氧基丙烯腈、(E)-3-乙氧基丙烯腈和3,3-二乙氧基丙腈的混合物。经柱层析分离提纯各组分,并采用气相色谱法、核磁共振氢谱法和气相色谱/质谱法,对其进行了组分分析和结构表征。其中(Z)-3-乙氧基丙烯腈、(E)-3-乙氧基丙烯腈的分离、核磁氢谱结构表征未见报道。 |
关键词:(Z)-3-乙氧基丙烯腈;(E)-3-乙氧基丙烯腈;3,3-二乙氧基丙腈;气相色谱;核磁氢谱法;气相色谱/质谱法 |
中图分类号:O625.45 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-9212(2007)06- 0065-04 |
The Analysis of the Admixture of 3-Ethoxyacrylonitrile 3,3-Diethoxypropionitrile |
CAI dong1,ZOU jun2,JIANG-xin2,SU jin-yan2,JI hao2
(1. Basic Medical School,Liaoning Medical University,Jinzhou 410082,China;2. Shenyang Research Institute of Chemical Industry,Shengyang 410007,China) |
Abstract:The mixture of 3-ethoxyacrylonitrile and 3,3-diethoxypropionitrile was gotten as product from isoxazole by ring opening,separated with column chromatography and checked quantitatively by GC. The 1H NMR and MS were used in study of their relative structures. The separation method of E/Z-isomers of 3-ethoxyacrylonitrile was studied and their structures were characterized by 1H NMR data first. |
Key words:(Z)-3-Ethoxyacrylonitrile;(E)-3-Ethoxyacrylonitrile;3,3-diethoxypropionitrile;GC;1H NMR;GC/MS |
作者简介:蔡 东(1978-),男,辽宁大连人,助教,研究方向:药物合成。(E-mail:caidong0804@163.com)