第 37 卷第 5 期Vol. 37 No. 5
2007 年 10 月Oct 2007


李 涛,刘义珂,陈九星,陈力华,梁 骥,聂思桥 (湖南化工研究院 国家农药创制工程技术研究中心,湖南 长沙 410014)
摘 要:甲硫嘧磺隆(实验代号HNPC-C9908)是湖南化工研究院自主研制的新型磺酰脲类除草剂,主要用于小麦田杂草防除。为了提高它的除草效果、拓宽除草谱、改善对作物的安全性,将甲硫嘧磺隆与扑草净以1 ∶ 5(m/m)混用制成水分散粒剂。经过助剂筛选,得出了其水分散粒剂的优惠配方为(m/m):甲硫嘧磺-12.0%、扑草净-60.0%、分散剂A10-10.0%、润湿剂B6-5.0%、崩解剂C4-2.0%、粘结剂D1-1.0%、载体补至100%。按上述配方配制的72%甲硫嘧磺隆·扑草净水分散粒剂,各项技术指标和热贮稳定性测定均达到有关水分散粒剂的质量标准。
中图分类号:S482.4  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2007)05- 0020-04
Development on the Water Dispersible Granule of the Herbicides of HNPC-C9908·Prometryne in the Wheat Fields
LI Tao,LIU Yi-ke,CHEN Jiu-xing,CHEN Li-hua,LIANG Ji,NIE Si-qiao (National Engineering Research Center for Agrochemicals,Hunan Research Institute of Chemical Industry,Changsha 410007,China)
Abstract:HNPC-C9908 is a new sulfonylurea herbicide researched and developed by Hunan Research Institute of Chemical Industry,and mainly used to control weeds in the wheat field. To enhance the efficacy of controlling weeds,broadening the weed spectra and improving the safety to crops,mixture water dispersible granule(WDG)formulation of HNPC-C9908 and prometryne1∶5(m/m) was investigated in the paper. The optimum compositions for 75%WDG obtained by a series of adjuvant screening test were as follows(m/m):HNPC-C9908 12.0%,prometryne 60%,dispersant A10 10.0%,wetting agent B6 5.0%,collapsing agent C4 2.0%,adhesive agent D1 1.0% and carrier filled up to 100%. The parameters of 75% WDG such as technical index and heat-storage stability meeted the Chinese quality standard of the formulation product.
Key words:HNPC-C9908;prometryne;water dispersible granule;formulation
作者简介:李 涛(1978-),男,湖南衡阳人,研究方向:农药制剂研究。(E-mail:dazuili2003@126.com)